Claraderm Skin Nourishing Mist 2 oz
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Claraderm Skin Nourishing Mist 2 oz

Claraderm Skin Nourishing Mist soothes and nourishes skin. It is a perfect for stressed skin before and after childbirth. Contains myrrh, lavender, frankincense and tea tree essential oils.

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      0.3500 lbs
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  • $98.00
In stock (20 items available)

ClaraDerm Spray essential oils for skin reinvigorates skin and relieves irritation. Use before and after childbirth to  soothe and nourish skin in sensitive areas; and to comfort stressed skin


Contains myrrh, lavender, frankincense and tea tree essential oils.


No synthetic compounds or chemicals can be found in this product which is one of the largest cause of premature aging skin!


For more information on this product and the essential oils, click here!


Ingredients: Essential oils of Myrrh (Commiphora Myrrha), Tea Tree Essential Oil  (Melaleuca Alternifolia), Lavender (Lavandula Angustifolia), Frankincense (Boswellia Carteri), Roman Chamomile (Chamaemelum Nobile), and Helichrysum (Helichrysum Italicum) in a base of fractionated coconut oil (Cocos nucifera).


Premium grade essential oils are used in this product. Available in a 2 oz container.


Note: This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

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