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Intuitive Manipulative Therapy for Horses Initial

Intuitive Manipulative Therapy for Horses Initial Exam and Treatment-Requires Veterinarian Referral*

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  • $425.00
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Intuitive Manipulative Therapy for Horses Initial Exam and Treatment-Requires Veterinarian Referral*

Includes review of medical and performance history, short intuitive session and manipulation or adjustment of horse. Intuitive work includes clearing out patterns that may be causing imbalance, performance issues and old traumas. This is done throughout the session to facilitate release of emotions (fear, anxiety, pain) and healing which manifest through the mind-body axis. This also promotes relaxation in the horse which translates into better treatments. When a horse is in fight or flight which is an adrenal-sympathetic response, not only will this create muscle tension but will overstimulate the nervous system. This typically translates into a stressed horse which is the opposite of the goal of the treatment. A relaxed, open horse will also have a better outcome to any healing modality and treatment. 

Dr. Nan uses essential oils, flower essences and other healing modalities to assist the session and treatment work which are included in the session. Dr. Nan has been working with animals intuitively across the world for over 20 years! She is a life long equestrian and brings cutting edge strategies to people and animals to bring the best outcome for her patients.
Please call 561.315.6334 to set up a time to schedule a non-charge consultation so Dr. Nan may put a strategy together for your horse! 

  • This does not include traveling charges to the property which is based on your location.It does include essential oils, flower essences and other healing modalities such as Rapid Release Technology (RRT) and red light therapy. : )
  • *In the State of Florida, Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) Physicians require veterinarian referral to work on animals. Dr. Nan has a form that may be emailed to your vet for ease of convenience. Additionally, in other states animal manipulative therapy may be considered "animal chiropractic". Both these things are regulated by the individual states themselves.
  • Dr. Nan maintains general practice insurance as well as insurance for animal manipulative therapy.


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Please call our office at 561-315-6334 with any questions or assistance!

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Would like to get some specific recommendations on oils, supplements or other natural products on our website? Then sign up for a complimentary consult with Nan! She can also answer questions on young living wholesale membership; or genetic and intuitive wellness coaching.

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